The Author

Ebona Hope is an ordinary woman who has a story to tell that gives insight into the life choices and the presence of God as one family struggled to reach their goals. At the age of 22, she sat in a chair holding a gun to her head, so depressed about life that she wanted to end it. God spoke: “write it down”. She started writing thinking that he meant to write a book about her pain. She spent every available moment with a paper and pen. Every evening before bed she would read from start to her stopping point and the tears would overflow as her wounds were exposed.
Two years later, she had finished. Sent it out to a publisher and was offered a deal to rewrite it in the third person. She read it from start to finish to figure out her approach and realized that she could laugh at the things that once caused her so much pain. She decided that if her writing could help her maybe she could help others.