Ties of a family

Ties of a family is a true story about events that occurred in the lives of one black family. There are no million dollar mansions, struggles for power or millionaires. They are an ordinary family that has been rooted and grounded in unconditional love and faith in God. This family faced everyday issues that most families deal with; told through the eyes of one family member.
I wrote this novel because I feel that there’s a message in the trails that this family has faced. I hope to reach out to someone who’s facing a similar trail and if nothing else; give them comfort in knowing that God is real. He hears, sees and knows all that we face. He will never give you more than you can bear nor leave you alone but we in our daily walk often turn away from him.



Rationalizing The Thoughts Of A Woman

This book examines the actions that we as women take in matters concerning our love, sex and attraction for a man as well as our communication with our children. It addresses women in the mist of abuse and how delicate the situation has to be dealt with. Abuse doesn’t stop at the point of escape. The verbal remarks and physical abuse create lifelong scars and constant struggle. This book simply breaks down the thought pattern and expectations we often have when entering or operating in a relationship. I don’t assume to know the answers I’m just analyzing my steps and trying to correct my own actions during this process. I want to open women’s mind and make them think before acting. Maybe it’s because for generations we were breed only to sexually satisfy, physically attract and economically support men. Is there a generational curse on us?



The Steps a Young Woman Must Take

This book was written exclusively for young girls between the ages of 7 thru 14. The author feels that, this is the point in life; where the process of wisdom is more strenuous. Instead of teaching girls to search for a role model, we need to teach them to look up, to themselves and be role models for their peers. Children are learning about sex, love and dealing with their peers; through television’s versions of cartoons, teenage sit comedies and movie productions at ages younger than six years old. She focuses on six major steps, giving detailed explanations and tips in easy to understand terms.
The steps are Body Cleanliness, Body Responsibility, Mentality, Body Protection, Puberty and Body Safety.
Teaching young girls to love, respect and honor their bodies, at a younger age; can equip them with better life choices for themselves. Instead of systematically making the search for Mr. Right the life goal. It will give them a sense of independence, self-worth and teach them thinking techniques that can guide them through life’s hurdles.